English Courses

English Course (Conversation)

This course aims to help the student to achieve fluency and good pronunciation in spoken English. This course provides students with the language skills and knowledge required to communicate effectively in English by introducing proper speech, pronunciation, group discussion participation and helping the students speak English with accuracy, fluency and confidence. Students are able to proceed from Level 1 up to Level 6 to improve their conversational ability.

Course Duration

Each level consists of 16 lessons, 1.5 hours per lesson or 8 lessons, 3 hours per lesson


English Course (General)

This course aims to improve the ability of students on the understanding and usage of vocabulary and expressions common to everyday life. The course improves ability of students to express ideas clearly and with confidence, both in workplace and social situations.  This course also develops your listening, reading and writing skills to even greater understanding of the grammatical structure of English.

Course Duration

Each level consists of 16 lessons, 1.5 hours per lesson or 8 lessons, 3 hours per lesson


English Course (Business)

English language becomes an important tool in the business environment nowadays. It is commonly used in daily operation, communication with other parties, and etc.  Companies unable or unwilling to keep up with the pace of the English-speaking global business community are simply being left behind. This course allows the students to focus on English used in business and commercial situations and daily operations. At the end of the course, students are able to listen and communicate fluently in English, read and write memos, job applications, e-mails and reports, give presentations, corporate-level communication and sales &etc.

 Course Duration

Each level consists of 16 lessons, 1.5 hours per lesson or 8 lessons, 3 hours per lesson


One to One English Course

This course is ideal for people who need to make quick improvement on general or specialized knowledge in English language but have little time to spare. This course allows the student to practice a combination of skills depending on your needs: speaking, listening, reading, writing, grammar and pronunciation. This course also focuses on the student’s strengths and weaknesses and increases the overall level of confidence.

Course Duration

Each level consists of 16 lessons,  2 hours per lesson or 32 lessons, 1 hours per lesson


Preparatory Course for IELTS / TOEFL Examination – One to One

This course is ideal for people who need to make quick improvement on English language but have little time to spare. This course will help the students to improve the language skills needed in a short period to pass IELTS / TOEFL exam. Students will learn different aspects of the IELTS / TOEFL test which include Speaking, Listening, Reading, and Writing. Students are able to move from the basic to intermediate and even advanced categories in IELTS / TOEFL. Besides, students improve their standard of English language and become an active learner by speaking a lot of English and being much more confident in the language, which is another benefit, resulted from the course. Our experienced teachers will strengthen the students’ English language through various interactions in class.

Course Duration

Each level consists of 16 lessons,  2 hours per lesson or 32 lessons, 1 hours per lesson



Level 1– No requirement
Level 2 or above – sit for a placement test / interview to assess English proficiency.


Course Certification

 Students can receive an attendance certificate upon completion of the course when an attendance rate of at least 75% is met. Whether or not to take an examination at the end of the course is optional.


A sample of programme outline

10 minutes Correction/Review of previous class assignments
60 minutes New topics to be covered
20 minutes In-class assignment
Total: 90 minutes

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