Online English Course


This course aims to allow students to listen, speak, read and write English in the correct grammatical rules and proper sentence structures. Students are able to proceed from Elementary to Advanced to improve their reading and writing ability. At the end of the course, students will be expected to know prepositions, past/present, future and continuous tenses, active and passive sentences.



Level 1– No requirement
Level 2 or above – sit for a placement test / interview to assess English proficiency.


Course Duration

Each level consists of 24 lessons, 2 hours per lesson
– The class will conducted in evening on weekdays or in morning / afternoon on weekends.


Course Certification

 Students can receive a certificate by the school upon completion of the course.


A sample of programme outline 

15 minutes Correction/Review of previous class assignments
75 minutes New topics to be covered
30 minutes In-class assignment
Total: 120 minutes


For more information about the Online English Course,

Download Brochure

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