Deferment: Student delays or postpones the course (or modules).
Conditions for granting Course Deferment:
i. Deferment is subjected to the availability of courses and modules offered. The College reserves the right to offer similar courses and modules in replacement of discontinued courses or modules.
ii. The maximum period of deferment that is allowed will be 12 months (i.e., Student will need to commence the Course within this maximum period). Requests for extension can be considered on a case-by-case basis.
iii. Students are to note that they will need to apply for a new student pass when re-joining the College.
iv. Deferments are subjected to ICA’s approval of the new Student’s Pass. The College will inform ICA in the event of any Deferments and cancel the old Student’s Pass.”
For any requests on Deferments, students are to fill in the Withdraw / Transfer / Refund Form or Deferment Request Form and submit them to the Administration Executive. For eligible refund cases, the students are to also ‘TICK’ on the Refund Box in the Withdraw / Transfer / Refund Form as well.
The Administration Executive would need to then arrange a meet-up with the student to understand more on the rationale of request if necessary.
For any Course Deferment, the College would need to obtain the student’s parent / legal guardian’s written consent if they are under 18 years of age.
ICA will be informed through the cancellation of the Student Pass.
The maximum processing time of Deferment: within 4 weeks